Anabranch (secondary or flood channel)
Anabranch (secondary or flood channel) Position: Floodplain Form Pattern of coexistent multiple-anastomosing channels (repeated bifurcating and rejoining) with low...
Chute cutoff
Chute cutoff Position: Floodplain Form Straight/gently curved channel that dissects the convex bend of the primary channel, short-circuiting...
Meander cutoff
Meander cutoff (neck cutoff, oxbow, billabong) Position: Floodplain Form A meander bend that has been cut through the...
Floodout Position: Floodplain Form Lobate/fan-shaped sand body that radiates downstream from an intersection point of a discontinuous channel...
Valley fill (swamp, swampy meadow)
Valley fill (swamp, swampy meadow) Position: Floodplain Form Relatively flat unincised surface. May have ponds and discontinuous channels...
Ridge and swale topography
Ridge and swale topography Position: Floodplain Form Ridges are scroll bars that have been incorporated into the floodplain....
Palaeochannel (prior channel, abandoned or ancestral channel) Position: Floodplain Form An old, inactive channel on the floodplain. May...
Floodplain sand sheet
Floodplain sand sheet Position: Floodplain Form Flat, tabular laterally extensive sheets in non-levee settings with massive, often poorly...
Sand wedge
Sand wedge Position: Floodplain Form Sandy deposits with wedge-shaped cross-section at channel margins in non-levee settings. Typically have...
Backswamp (distal floodplain, floodplain wetland, floodpond, floodplain lake) Position: Floodplain Form The distal floodplain, at valley margins, is...
Flood runner
Flood runner Position: Floodplain Form Relatively straight depression that occasionally conveys floodwaters. Tends to have a relatively uniform...
Flood channel (back channel)
Flood channel (back channel) Position: Floodplain Form Low sinuosity subsidiary channel. Entrance height approximates bankfull stage. Commonly observed...
Crevasse splay (crevasse channel fill)
Crevasse splay (crevasse channel fill) Position: Floodplain Form A sediment tongue fed by a crevasse channel that breaches the...
Levee Position: Floodplain Form Raised elongate asymmetrical ridge that borders the channel (i.e. along the proximal floodplain). The...
Strath terrace
Strath terrace Position: Floodplain Form Typically a relatively flat, valley marginal feature that is perched above the contemporary channel...
Alluvial terrace (fill terrace)
Alluvial terrace (fill terrace) Position: Floodplain Form Typically a relatively flat (planar), valley marginal feature that is perched above...
Floodplain (alluvial flat)
Floodplain (alluvial flat) Position: Floodplain Form Lies adjacent to or between active or abandoned channels and the valley margin....